Buddy Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. be7170

    be7170 User

    Hello, Add-me

    Nom : be7170, ID utilisateur : 13164552

  2. Name: matusdurovic12
    Level: 26
    Cargo suply: gold
    I am looking for buddy to support my airport in quests
  3. embas123

    embas123 User

    Name: embas123
    ID: 13110465
    Level 51
    Country: UK
    I am looking for buddies who can handle all types of planes. And also Accepts 1 hour planes
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  4. edwin2

    edwin2 User

    Name: edwin2
    ID: 4029774
    Level 62
    Iam looking for all types of buddy's. I'll send planes when you are online, just let me know which planes, and I hope you can do that too.
    @embas123, i do accept 1h planes ;) (love them!)
    D-vitamin and embas123 like this.
  5. Mastergym

    Mastergym User

    • Ingame name: Mastergym
    • User ID: 8658457
    • Country: The Netherlands
    • Special requests: Not really any, I would love to add some people willing to send me planes on a regular basis. Quickies, 1 hour flights, 12 hour flights; I'll try to take care of them all. Would love to have some people in my list with who I can trade and have connections with.
  6. My ID: MrBanana87x or 12714148
    Country: USA, Nevada
    I returned from a long break of 3 years. my airport can only handle small planes, thus I can only send small planes. I am progressing tho so soon I should be able to handle medium.
    Im just looking for some active buddies.
    Im online once or twice a day.
    Laca1997 likes this.
  7. Laca1997

    Laca1997 User

    Ingame-name: Laca1997
    ID: 2026149
    Country: Hungary
    Current level: 44
    Special requests: Just be active and send any kind of planes, please :)
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
  8. Isaiah_G

    Isaiah_G User

    Vriendschapsverzoek gestuurd naar jou. :)

    Vriendschapsverzoek verstuurd naar jou. :)

    Vriendschapsverzoek verstuurd naar jou. :)

    Edit ~NightHawk~: Posts merged.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2018
  9. Hi !! Good Morning All.
    Name: NunoPereira
    ID: 13008175
    naplemente likes this.
  10. niuni1986

    niuni1986 User

    Name: niuni1986, ID : 12504379 DE
  11. husky016

    husky016 User

    Hi, someone who will send me planes today. I have qs
  12. SimonM34

    SimonM34 User

    Hi there! I used to play this game years ago and am wanting a new start. Please add me and send planes: 13168147
    • Name: _-Ariadne-_
    • User ID: 4990769
    • Country: the Netherlands
    • No special requests, just looking for buddies who are up for helping each other out.
    jank1961 and jane19611 like this.
  13. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Name : jank1961
    User ID : 5264246
    Level : 72
    Country : Denmark

    Online almost every day from 15.00 CET + 1

    Requests are welcome.... send me a flyby & flights will be in the air asap.... greetings to all ;-)
  14. th0ny

    th0ny User

    Name: th0ny
    User ID: 4789198
    Country: Venezuela
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  15. charlois

    charlois User

    hi i am looking for new and acktive budies my airport name is charlois country Netherlands id is 12500663
  16. I'm new in this game so I need everyone who wants to help me
    Name: Domi2010lady
    ID: 13170073
    Country: Poland
  17. targa007

    targa007 User

    Hello everyone! After a long break of probably over 3 years now, I finally came back to skyrama. I just wasn't feeling the game anymore because me and my dad always played it together but since he passed away 3 years ago I just couldn't or wanted to play the game because of all the emotions... But now im back and better then ever!

    As you would expect, all my skyrama-buddies don't play anymore and I have an innactive friends list. So i'm searching for active players.
    Are u willing to send planes to me and have a nice chat in discord or in-game? Feel free to add me.
    Username: Targa007
    And im almost level 50.
    Kinalem likes this.
  18. florent2

    florent2 User

    Name : florent2
    ID : 1503943
    Country : France

    I'm level 40, and I add everybody :)
    I need a lot of planes, and I can send you what you want :p
    Thanks :D
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
  19. Name: NFS_C

    Country: Italia