Request to empty my cashes

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -katootje-, Oct 26, 2017.

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  1. -katootje-

    -katootje- User

    can someone empty my ingame cache. i hope that will resolve the problems i have in the game at this moment. my quick service is running but i can't play normaly :(
    user id 2947019
  2. same problems overhere. can someone empty my cache too.
    Naam: DarkRaven1970, User-ID: 12319107
  3. same problems here name : ladyv6demon user-id 11450862
  4. if that's the solution, then please empty mine too: 10105821
    firehawk691 likes this.
  5. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- User

  6. kleckulka

    kleckulka User

    still a technical error
  7. Fannuska

    Fannuska User

    if that's the solution, then please empty mine too: 13001787

    it kicks me out every 5-10 minutes
    can even bear to refresh all the time
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  8. can someone empty my cache too
    user-id: 1375405
  9. kleckulka

    kleckulka User

    if that's the solution, then please empty mine too: 56201
  10. Hi
    If that's the solution, then please empty mine, as well: 6544187
  11. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- User

  12. Hello

    If that's the solution, then please empty mine too: 6298327
  13. Mine as well please: id 12474389.
  14. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- User

  15. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Good morning ,:)
    I wonder if you can clean my cache

    ID 8290646

    Best regards:)
    Attila201409 likes this.
  16. No use to clean the cache cost the lack of server performance is the problem
    topgun123 likes this.
  17. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    I need mine cleaned also, please.

    ID # 8268933
  18. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- User

    Done :)
    firehawk69 likes this.
  19. Lulu°°°

    Lulu°°° User

    I need mine cleaned also, please.
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