buddy list search

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by dupleshwaryadav, Oct 23, 2015.

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  1. my buddy list is to long with to many active members and they show themselves offline.
    So if somebody sends me plane and i also want to send him planes then i have to search my buddy list because they show themselves offline,so i suggest to create a way to search the buddy list
    jasika, -kees9898- and Aleus11 like this.
  2. boeing787

    boeing787 User

    i agree there must be an easier way ? takes to long to find ur buddy ....
  3. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    I play offline must of the time, because I am doing other things online and in the house while I fly.

    I send planes out to make others happy.

    Dont think that you have to send to those you get planes from if they are on red.

    Just send a "Thanks" or maybe ask "do want planes from me ! " .. or just " How long is your Airport open - so I can send you planes"

    Never send "Send me planes"

    Remember: The sender get bonus for the planes you handle and return - so if you handle better planes than you can send the buddy get a bigger bonus - than if you send your standard low planes.

    Send your planes to a suitable level player that is on green - those are telling you that they are waiting on planes - maybe ask what they are waiting on ...

    NB. those that play on red might have and get all the planes they want ...
    Aleus11, Norway and dupleshwaryadav like this.
  4. No the thing is that I receive flyby from my buddies to send them planes but they show themselves offline because I am constantly making new buddies it gets difficult to search from the huge list:)
    skysuttle, Aleus11 and Norway like this.
  5. WikingAir

    WikingAir User

    I get that. But don't react - or tell them to be on green if they want planes - they have to learn the meaning of the green light.

    I have stopped reacting on the flyby "Send me planes" those don't stay around for long and is just being egotist.

    You can as I do from time to time delete players.

    The function you are asking for is good to have I think. But the game has much bigger problems, so it will never come ( or it is already planned on the XXL update)

    I just come with views on how you can make it easier to deal with

    If the player want a certain types of planes ( fast ones) and therefore wants to be on red - then ask to say how many hearts they have.

    That way you can easier find them in your list

    like flyby: " Send 8 Solo - if you can .... 345 H"

    And many players have a rule where they delete players under 10 hearts
    Aleus11 and Norway like this.
  6. Yeah you are right,bugs should be the top priority and I was just suggesting and thanks for your reply:)
    skysuttle, Aleus11 and Norway like this.
  7. Norway

    Norway User

    You also get player's who say they are on for 6 hour's, and you send 100 planes or more, and they don't service them :(
  8. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    It's frustrating when it happens, yes, but sometimes emergencies (other things) do happen.
    If, however, it is happening time and time again with a certain player, there's always the delete option, or to keep a "Naughty Players" book! ;)
    skysuttle, dupleshwaryadav and Norway like this.