Main Story Goals

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Morphyduke, Mar 15, 2015.

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More main story goals??

Poll closed Mar 29, 2015.
  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Morphyduke

    Morphyduke User

    When are we going to get some more story goals?? The game becomes increasingly boring with sending to and fro. The Events are good but become samey samey. Need some story goals to maintain interest.
  2. olexa

    olexa User

    In my opinion to increase interest and variety in the game need change in gameplay,and not just regular recurring events and tasks.They all appeared 3 years ago and still remain the same.Play is very boring:(
  3. porthselu

    porthselu User

    You are quite right. This game can be boring. More story goals would add some much needed variety, but please devs, show a little imagination and creativity. The last few gave the impression that they had been written on the back of an envelope in the five minutes before opening time. The daily goals, could also benefit from a revision, send 30 planes to South America for 300 coins etc.etc. - oh come on !! The events, apart from the window dressing are all the same, we don't have to do anything, just sit back and collect the drop items which we then use to buy stuff we may not necessarily want, it's not exactly difficult is it ?

    Here's a challenge for all you bored airports out there. Start a new airport, but with the benefit of experience, set yourself a different goal. For example, don't buy anything (including planes) until you absolutely have to. It's a bit slower, but you do have the advantage of being able to send planes to yourself when ever you need to return planes. I've tried this, and I've got to level 27 without spending any aircash apart from the two I had to spend it an early tutorial. So I have 140k coins, 55 aircash, one spare slot in the seaplane hanger and two spare slots in the helicopter hanger. Work out your own set of rules and give it a go. It helps to pass the time whilst head office gets off its collective behind and (hopefully) sets us a challenge or two.

    Porthselu ID 14054
  4. Jetbo

    Jetbo User

    I read somewhere else in the forum that it is ILLEGAL to send yourself planes (between 2 or more accounts). Apparently you can get chucked out?
  5. porthselu

    porthselu User

    I don't know about that, first I've heard of it. Where did you read it? I know of several players (apart from me) who have two airports. Apparently there was a rush of duplicate airports when the world was expanded to include the U.S.A. Before that american players had to have their airport somewhere else, and as you can't move your airport ..... Also, why should it be illegal, it is conceivable that players with two airports are going to spend twice as much real cash.

    Porthselu ID 14054
  6. Jetbo

    Jetbo User

    Type in "multiple accounts" in the forum search bar and you can read the answer from ModMama yourself
  7. porthselu

    porthselu User

    Thanks for the reference:

    "1.2.7 Users are authorized to create multiple accounts on the Portal. Several Games, however, prohibit the use of more than one Account by one and the same User (“prohibition of multi-accounts”). Detailed information is provided in the rules of the respective Game(s). Bigpoint strongly recommends that all Users with multiple Accounts carefully read the respective rules of the Game(s), because the use of multi-accounts in certain Games can lead to an immediate ban of the User.

    Furthermore, even in Games permitting Users to have multiple accounts, communication, or any kind of interaction whatsoever, between accounts of the same User is prohibited (ban on "pushing"). In particular, an Account may not be used to create advantages for another Account from the same User, for example, to transfer items or game currency from one Account to another Account of the same User, or to allow one Account to fight against another Account of the same User."

    My first point is that Skyrama is a non competitive game, that is, we do not fight each other, buy or sell items, or send money, goods, tokens to each other. If I discovered that six of my buddy airports were owned by the same person, would this affect me at all? I think not. In Skyrama, the only interaction between airports, whether owned by the same person or not, is to send out planes, which may or may not be serviced. Nothing is transfered, sent or given away because the planes always return to the sender whether serviced or not.

    If, for example, I decided to open six airports and only sent planes between those six, ( I wouldn't get very far with the goals) this would not affect any other player in any way, and if any player decided to do this, it would not worry me in any way, that player is simply playing the game the way he wants to play it. In fact Skyrama is possibly one of the least interactive games on the internet. The only time a player actually needs buddies is when the player has to return planes (planes being serviced is, after all, a bonus) and I have no problem with the player opening another airport to help with this, which let's face it is a very small part of the game.

    Also, it is a very subtle difference between owning two or more airports, and playing the game with your brother, sister, flatmate or even your granny.

    Porthselu ID 14054​
    °LanAnh° likes this.
  8. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Thanks for your feedback porthselu, will send your greetings to team :)
  9. porthselu

    porthselu User

    Thank you Mod-Mama. Let us hope that Team appreciates my feedback and that there is a positive outcome for us all.

    Porthselu ID 14054
  10. ret462

    ret462 User

    I also read that same thing. You can have as many airports as you want, but you cannot send between them. If caught, you can be kicked.
  11. porthselu

    porthselu User

    It's probably a differenceof interpretation, but again I quote Terms and conditions 1.2.7.

    " In particular, an Account may not be used to create advantages for another Account from the same User, for example, to transfer items or game currency from one Account to another Account of the same User, or to allow one Account to fight against another Account of the same User."

    By sending a plane from one account to another, you are not transfering a plane because it comes back to the original account.

    Porthselu ID 14054
  12. Morphyduke

    Morphyduke User

    Wow, all that time in R & D and you come up with a three part main goal that last less than 12 hours. Well done....not. How about developing some more, time consuming stories that take time and make you want to play the game more often???
  13. Xtreme-Plt

    Xtreme-Plt User

    It may be 12 hours for you. For others like me it takes several days depending on the missions.
    Like the boring missions with cargo planes and sell a specific number of goods. WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BORIIIIIIIIIIING.

    The game itself after a point becomes very boring. It needs new ways to keep the advanced players in the game.
  14. Xtreme-Plt

    Xtreme-Plt User

    What was the reward for the completion of it by the way. ? Does it worth it?
  15. 12k XP, 12k XP, 14k XP (and some coins) so you could say nothing / not worth it...German forum has description for each task.
  16. Xtreme-Plt

    Xtreme-Plt User

    So all this trouble for some XP ?????????????????

    Thanks for answering.