June Buddy Requests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mod-Mama, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Greetings Airport Managers,

    Please use this thread for new buddy requests.

    Good luck in game and hope you get lots of buddies!
  2. Old player new account. Please add me. KLFI-Langley_AFB ... Player ID: 12069166
  3. Johnny_Nox

    Johnny_Nox User

    Please add me im new to game and cant get the quest without planes, M turbo and xs turbo four of each plus id like to have a some friends thx.

    Skyrama Info:
    Name: Johnny_Nox - User ID: 12135942
  4. UncleStorm

    UncleStorm User

    hi all am an old player and just start playing agen and new and a updated friend list so am looking for new buddys thats active and can send plains and i will send in return thanks and as thay say "Fly High" :)

    Skyrama info : Name: UncleStorm, User ID: 505851
  5. Xurupytaaa

    Xurupytaaa User

    Nick - Xurupytaaa
    ID - 12138186

    Add me as a friend there.. because I need help to evolve.

    My help. I need 4 Rama-XS-Turbo. and also 4 Rama-M-Turbo.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who helps ..
    Thank you ...
  6. arielraca

    arielraca User

    hi, i'm from argentina, add me as a friend, i need it, thanks

  7. Tumal

    Tumal User


    I need to return XS-Turbos and M-Turbos. Thanks :)
  8. Sou7hern

    Sou7hern User

    Name: Sou7hern, User ID: 12135518

    I am new player and need buddies of all levels. Thank you.
  9. I need some M-Cargos
    Naam: Endevour1995, User-ID: 1575861
  10. Hi, I would like active players to be my friends and would be willing to send me planes that I need. I just started, so take it easy on me.

    Name: DragonShark ID:12156210
  11. alexandre

    alexandre User

    Please add me
  12. Sou7hern

    Sou7hern User

    Hi I need help for a story goal. I need 4 Rama XS Turbos...thank you in advance.

    AEROACE User

    Nick - AEROACE
    ID - 12141636
  14. Not sure how this forum works but add me if you can. will send planes for your quest.
  15. I can't find a way to add so add me
  16. Add me please. ID 7397885
  17. Add me please ID 7397885
  18. Looking for buddies. Played this game a long time ago and can clearly see its improved


    Name: ladyphoenix, User ID: 12163512
  19. I'm french but i learn english so add me !!! :)
  20. DanzFarm

    DanzFarm User

    I've been here since it all started..user ID# is 15628 ADD ME if you are an active player ONLY! I have a fairly LARGE fleet, including many 12 hr coin/xp planes that will help your xp bar :)

    ADD ME to see the home of the "20 medium runways" :)


    P.S I only play using QuickService, so if we can get a good schedule going I'm the guy you wna send your huge fleet to!
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
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