Suggestion What street do we get our ideas ??

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by topgun123, Nov 1, 2017.

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do you want to know what BP thinks about our ideas?

Poll closed Dec 1, 2017.
  1. Yes, I think it's important information

  2. No, I'm not interested

    0 vote(s)
  1. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Goodmorning everyone,:)
    sometimes players propose ideas to improve the game.

    For these ideas is also matched a poll .... and many players vote
    Here is .. I asked
    how are these proposals evaluated by our dear BP ??

    When the poll is closed and sent to BP, there should be a response to the outcome; for example

    • the idea was forwarded
    • the idea is under evaluation
    • the idea was accepted
    • the idea was rejected because it was impossible to accomplish
    • the idea was rejected because it was too expensive to implement it
    • the idea was rejected because it was useless
    • the idea is good with some changes that will be analyzed
    • etc...
    This mechanism would increase players' proposals;)
    and BP can better understand what players want:cool:

    (but you.... BP ... have to try to improve the game!!!!!!:D)

    Excellent flights:):)
    Norway, poussin77, embas123 and 9 others like this.
  2. Hello, I have an idea to change the game. To whom do I send, what should I do? Thanks for the answer...