Event mechanics + drop rate

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Phil.Dunphy, Nov 1, 2016.

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  1. Phil.Dunphy

    Phil.Dunphy Guest

    Dear Airport Managers,

    Below is a message from the Game Design team regarding the drop rates, which we have received some messages about.

    Dear pilots,
    First of all, we would like to say "Thank you“ for all your feedback concerning our current Halloween event. We know that in the beginning, there was an unfortunate bug with the broom drop rate of about 100%. For all of you, this was great – but it was a bug and we had to correct it. Please do not blame it on our moderator team on our forums. We noticed it by ourselves and we would have corrected it anyways. :D

    After the correction of this error, a lot of you weren’t happy with the existing drop rate of the brooms. A lot of you are very, very experienced with our “normal” events and have a defined strategy to get their rewards. This strategy was to send a lot of planes with very short flight times to get a lot of event currency very quickly. The result of this event mechanic was that sending planes with longer flight times was more or less useless during event times.
    In relation to the value and amount of work, this functionality wasn’t very appropriate.
    We improved this system now so that the drop rate of event currency depends on the flight duration of the planes. This means that the drop rate is lower for planes with short flight times and higher for planes with long flight times. Therefore, it is up to the individual player to decide if he/she would like to send more planes with short flight times or to send less planes with long flight times. Ultimately, both ways should result in a similar number of broom "drops".
    The change to the drop rate happened just after the beginning of the event, it took a little time until the “real” drop rate settled down because of some cache delays. But the real chances to get event currency from your planes should be settled down now. Perhaps some of you didn’t recognize it yet because they stick to the strategy to send planes with shorter flight times.
    Please do not be afraid of the changes, it’s just that we improved the event mechanics the way that sending planes with a longer flight duration will pay off in the future.
    We hope that the “real” bugs that are still in the event – the missing buildings in our shop as well as the problems with the event background – will be fixed very soon.

    Your Skyrama team
    Norway, -arkadek- and Bullcamden like this.
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