All cargoes with glass

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by topgun123, Jun 2, 2017.

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Would you also like to receive glass from your cargo friends?

Poll closed Jul 2, 2017.
  1. YES

  2. NO

    0 vote(s)
  1. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    The purpose of this game is:
    Help yourself between players:)

    Players can help by sending airplanes

    Among the various options of help there may also be that of increasing the glass collection

    Simply by foreseeing that the cargo received from friends also gives glass:cool:;)

    I hope you like this idea

    (Google translator)
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 2, 2017
  2. boeing787

    boeing787 User

    Great idea ? And lead to more aircraft now y did they not think of that :rolleyes: or have they;)
    mapelu and firehawk69 like this.
  3. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    mapelu and firehawk69 like this.
  4. fernando

    fernando User

    aproved. vote in favor.
    cupid151, mapelu and firehawk69 like this.
  5. olexa

    olexa User

    mapelu and firehawk69 like this.
  6. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Yes it used to be like that in the beginning !!!
    mapelu and djstach like this.
  7. djstach

    djstach User

    It's time for the return of this solution :cool:;)
    mapelu and Norway like this.
  8. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Good morning,:)

    I wanted to thank all the players who voted :):);)
    Norway and firehawk69 like this.
  9. Norway

    Norway User

    how about different colors for the L planes ?
    firehawk69 and fernando like this.
  10. fernando

    fernando User

    yes, by me.
  11. m.s.t

    m.s.t User

    Yes,great let it be true